DNA is a Publishing House and Cultural Association (non-profit) aimed at promoting literature and publishing mainly in the field of architecture and design, as well as any other cultural expression representative of human creativity. It also aims to disseminate culture in all its multidisciplinary aspects in every social and cultural sphere, promoting artistic and social interchange.
DNA makes freedom of expression and the dissemination of ideas its credo, and supports, within the limits of its possibilities, many of those who wish to give 'ink' to their thoughts, while always maintaining respect for the reader.
via degli Artisti 18/R
50132 - Firenze
+39 0559755168
Paolo Di Nardo / Director
Alessandro Spennato / Scientific coordinator
Simone Chietti
Fabio Rosseti
Vi preghiamo di inviare le proposte editoriali e i manoscritti esclusivamente via email, all’indirizzo:
Please send editorial proposals and manuscripts exclusively by email, to the address:
Contatteremo gli autori delle proposte editoriali che riterremo interessanti.
We will contact the authors of editorial proposals that we find interesting.
DNA editrice
via degli Artisti 18/R - 50132 Firenze - info@dnaeditrice.it - P.IVA e C.F. 05319370481